Differential Drive Pinion Bearing Spacer

About this product

The Differential Drive Pinion Bearing Spacer (#41231-22020), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Rear Axle Housing & Differential system of your Toyota car, plays a significant role in maintaining the correct alignment of your vehicle's differential gears. This alignment aids in the seamless transfer of power from the engine to the wheels, promoting efficient operation and superior performance. With time and usage, this Spacer may wear out or break, jeopardizing the system's symmetry, which could lead to uneven tire wear, poor vehicle handling, and even potential damage to the differential itself. Replacing this part periodically with genuine Toyota parts, which offer compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is therefore critical. In conclusion, the Differential Drive Pinion Bearing Spacer (#41231-22020) is an important component in ensuring the longevity of your vehicle's differential system, and in turn, the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota car.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 41235-30010;41231-30010;41234-30010;41236-30010;41232-30010
Part Number 41231-22020

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